Feeling the fear…

Fear is a feeling that we all experience ….whether it be something  bothering you for the day, or whether you have felt this feeling forever..even to the point that you think it is normal…..but deep inside you know it is not.    That fear may be happening because of something you have experienced in life and you cannot get rid of the thought.

When we believe in ourselves, come back to yourself, with a feeling of a bubble around you,you  will start to believe that you are safe…making you  feel more secure in your own mind.     Meditation  is a huge help for this security.     It will calm your mind, bring  you to peace within you.      When you breath in …say “So”….. When breathing out…say “hum”.         So…Hum

Always  follow that inner peace we all have…it is a matter  of believing the strength we have,  understanding that the thought that is bringing you fear, is in our own control.

We can beat this four letter word…FEAR…..and be in control of it!!

Believe in yourself!!!



Sunday morning

When you keep a smile on your face, even when we teach ourselves to smile for the moment, it helps to change your way of thinking,…it helps to send the correct neurons  to keep that smile on your face…

It is amazing how we can do this.   Picture those neurons connecting and it will stay with you longer……

Stay positive!!


Your strength inside you

Our mind is a very interesting thing. We can either have a very positive day, or we can let our thought that bother us be in charge of  the day.  And those negative thoughts are not worth losing our good energy over… .It is up to us to be in charge of those thoughts… and bring the positive thoughts with your thru the day…..we can do anything we put our minds to.. start your day with a smile.!!!! it sends good vibes to your brain!

Figi…an introduction to my book

“Since everything is a reflection of our minds, everything can be changed in our minds”- Buddha

It’s was a beautiful morning in the Fijian Islands as I prepared myself for a conference. I was a bit apprehensive for I had no idea what the day would have in store for me. I had never been to a conference of this caliber but I knew I was here for a reason. You see I had lived a good portion of my life in fear, lived with a disorder that I could not control, I lived unbalanced.

I entered the conference room where we were systematically assigned to groups. A man and his wife stood up and headed to the stage. The wife picked up an arrow and held the tip to her throat while the husband picked up a 7 x 7 inch board and held the reverse end of that arrow and placed it against the board. Within a minute she took two steps forward and broke the arrow. They proceeded to call us to the stage to complete this task that is when fear stepped in.

When we want to do something fear can either stop us or it can challenge us to do something that we have always wanted to do. I lived this way for a long time, I had dreamed of doing things that were over ruled by my fear. Well it wasn’t going to stop me today.

As I stepped onto the stage I began the exercise as instructed with no victory. I could not break the arrow. After trying four times I began to feel defeat. The husband and wife asked me to go back stage with them, I calmed myself, I fought against the fear and I gave strength to my mind. With the couple at my side I placed the sharp arrowhead against my throat, took two steps forward and the arrow broke. My first reaction was sheer joy. I just could not believe I broke the arrow. As I stood there in my own amazement I began to cry. I had realized the power of my own mind.

Our minds have two different ways of looking at life. First we have the inner part of our brain controlling our body triggering us to do what we want it to do. Every motion we make, every thought we have for activity, gesture, thinking it all comes from the inner most part. The second being our outer part, the mind, which reads what the brain is telling our bodies to do. We must act according to what is the best way of life for us. The mind is oh so powerful, everything we do funnels through our minds setting us up for action and reaction.

When we allow our brain to fully take focus on one or any specific thought or feeling, for me it was Fear, we let it take full control of our body but most importantly our mind. Once we understand that we have control over our thoughts, our minds, we can overcome any obstacle.

The trip to Fiji was just the beginning for me. I had learned the most powerful action I never thought would be possible, I learned how to leave my fears behind and become the person that I had dreamed of.  When you love yourself first, you can truly follow your dreams.

Reconnecting with an childhood friend

After a long time of not being connected with  my best friend from childhood, I told her that I included her in my book.

As I was sharing that time in my life in my book, I used to go to her house to stay overnight.   As it got close to bedtime, I would get homesick….I would have weird feeling in my stomach, that I would get when I tried to stay at my grandparents…..I realize  today, that the stomach problems were the auras that I have had my whole life…I thought that feeling was a normal feeling that everyone had……realized later in life that that was part of having epilepsy?…   More in my book which will be out in December.

believing in ourselves….

believe in in ourselves and loving ourselves can bring us so much closer to your goals.

when we do believe in ourselves, the action of other people will be so much less bothersome.   Other people can do that to you because they do not believe in themselves, or they are very unhappy with themselves.

follow this poem each day…

Believe in yourself, what you think, what you feel,

Believe in the truth, the good, the ideal.

Believe that your dreams can someday become  real,

Forever and always Believe.

Believe in yourself,and in what you can do,

Believe in the goals that you strive to pursue,

Believe in the friends who believe in your too,

Forever, and Always BELIEVE!


take this with you each day…put in on your bathroom mirror, keep it at your desk,

put in on your refrigerator.     the more you read it, the more you will follow the words in the poem.

Make today your day!!